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We Believe in Giving...
Not Asking For Money. 
That's Why We're Committed To Matching Any Gifts Made To The Poor Through This Platform
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You May Be Wondering Why We'd Want To Do This... If So, Read Below

Blessings to you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! was founded upon the principle of never asking for money and trusting God to provide all our needs.'s founder, Philaret, felt a desire to become a pastor in college.  He sensed that God didn't want him to pursue a ministry career if it meant he'd have to ask for donations, so instead he pursued starting a business.  As Psalm 1 says, the man who "meditates on the law of the Lord day and night" would have the promise that "whatever he does will prosper".  His business provided enough for him and his family, and was born to be a platform to encourage prayer, fasting, and charitable giving (as commanded by Christ in Matthew 6).  Philaret, (his Christian name inspired by St. Philaret the Merciful of the 9th century AD), is now committed to matching donations made by listeners to the poor in Africa and Asia.  Much of Philaret's initial disdain for asking for money came inspired by an early circulating document in the 1st century Church, known as "The Didache".  It says, "And when an Apostle goes forth let him accept nothing but bread till he reach his night's lodging; but if he ask for money, he is a false prophet... But whosoever shall say in a spirit "Give me money, or something else," you shall not listen to him; but if he tell you to give on behalf of others in want, let none judge him" (Chapter 11:6,12). Although this is not Scripture (as determined by the Church's Ecumenical Councils), it still rings true of the spirit of the early New Testament Church.  Even Paul urged the Corinthians to give to the poor Church of Jerusalem (1 Cor. 16:1-3), but was surprised that the Phillipians gave him a gift for himself (he wasn't expecting it so clearly he didn't ask for it - Phil. 4:10-13).  Paul said that other apostles or church leaders had the right to ask for material support (like St. Peter), so this is in no way should make you question everyone's motives for asking for money... but St. Paul said that it can make others stumble (by making "little ones" think they're obligated to give... when God loves a cheerful giver, not an obligated one! - 1 Cor. 9:1-15)

We believe that the ancient New Testament church perceived that missionaries who ask for money for themselves were false prophets, and missionaries that asked for money on behalf of others were not.  We at want to reignite that initial virtue, and prove through our actions that any money donated through this platform will not only be given directly to those who need it, but even the extra mile will be taken and the same amount will be matched! May God bless you as you care for the poor.
We Believe in Giving...
Not Asking For Money. 
That's Why We're Committed To Matching Any Gifts Made To The Poor Through This Platform
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